Rome, 15 - 19 September 2025

Next NanoInnovation Conference


COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology
COST is an EU-funded programme that enables researchers to set up their interdisciplinary research networks in Europe and beyond, called COST Actions. We provide funds for organising conferences, meetings, training schools, short scientific exchanges or other networking activities in a wide range of scientific topics. By creating open spaces where people and ideas can grow, we unlock the full potential of science.

The COST Actions
COST Actions bring together researchers and innovators to investigate a topic of their choice for 4 years. COST Actions are typically made up of researchers from academia, SMEs, public institutions and other relevant organisations or interested parties. Open to all science and technology fields, including new and emerging fields, COST Actions offer an inclusive, pan-European environment for individuals of all levels of seniority to grow their professional research networks and boost their careers.
COST Actions can also pave the way to or establish synergies with EU-funded research projects. Moreover, collaboration within research projects can also lead to new Actions, thus enhancing the networking potential of such consortia.

Our vision and mission
At COST, we stress the importance of people in science, which is why we fund the networks connecting people.
COST funds the building of bridges between nationalities, cultures and generations, and the empowerment of individuals. This is reflected in the open, bottom-up and inclusive character of COST networks. COST is dedicated to providing the freedom and diversity that science needs in order for it to unleash its full potential.


oxford 2021


Avenue du Boulevard
Bolwerklaan 21, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 25 33 3800

contact person: María Victoria SERRANO BLÁZQUEZ
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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