Rome, 15 - 19 September 2025

Next NanoInnovation Conference


ALTRI LOGHIThe DPI SMART project "Individual Protection Devices, Active Intelligent for Sustainable Multifunctional Reliable Resilient Protection Clusters" is promoted and supported by INAIL and involves the collaboration of highly qualified public and private partners

The DPI SMART project involves the creation of a cluster of active and intelligent protective devices aimed at reducing risk exposure and improving worker health and safety.

System features:
Sustainability in terms of cost and life cycle of PPE
Multifunctionality with respect to different types of detectable risk
Reliability in reporting critical events in Occupational Health and Safety
Resilience with reference to changes in technology and workers' conditions during the performance of activities and possible implementation of new work processes
The project contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the core area of INAIL's Institutional Mission, specifically the programmatic theme P6 "Innovative systems of health and safety management for risks related to the evolution of production processes, with particular reference to Industry 4.0"

Fields of application
These devices can be used:
In the workplace to signal potential hazards due to manual handling of loads, exposure to excessive levels of chemicals with the purpose of a "Protection Cluster" that, when applied to current passive PPE (body, face and eye protection, APVR, helmets, footwear and gloves), adds "active" functionality while not affecting Certification, ensuring resilience, reliability and economic and production sustainability.






oxford 2021


Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Astronautics, Electrical, Energy Engineering
Via Eudossiana 18 00184 Roma(RM), ITALY
Tel: +39 06 44585511

Contact person: Fabrizio MARRA
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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